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A member registered Jan 22, 2022

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(1 edit)

For one, I do feel like you were giving me shit by emphasizing in your first post with bold letters that it is a very common word? I felt like that was a bit aggressive and sarcastic tone to use, or that's how I interpreted it

But even that aside, is it necessary to be giving someone shit at all? Can you help me understand... Is there a word or phrase I used that was harsh or insulting?

To my understanding, "Maybe you have this feature already, but you might consider adding it if you don't" is not a demand, as much as the suggestion? Is it not "soft" enough of a phrase?

In a comment below, someone wrote "I think the gameplay might be improved if..." and the creator wrote back "...Thank you!", so I don't think he/she is disinterested in suggestions...

Also, if you scroll up, another person indicated the same sentiment as me, that they found answer words that are uncommon...

That's an interesting fact. Thanks for pointing it out!

Interesting... I don't know how to look directly at JavaScript, I just have a CSV file someone posted on Medium who wrote a solving algorithm. I wonder why the discrepancy, but I'll take your word for it.

Sorry! English isn't my first language. But I've been playing Wordle and another Wordle Clone a lot recently, and this is the first time that I've seen an answer word that I had never heard of before

I did consider that maybe I just didn't know it, but I looked it up and Guile is indeed *not* in the list of possible answers on Wordle (its still an acceptable input)

Sorry my comment was so upsetting to you!

Almost lost a round because the word was "guile" and I'd never heard this word. It ended up being the only possible answer that the game didn't reject with the remaining letters

Maybe you have something like this already, but I know Worlde has a shorter list of answer words which are more common than the whole list of 5 letter words it accepts as inputs. You might consider a system like that.